Taste Level: VG
Cost: $20 and under
Serves: 4
Prep Time: 10-15 min.
Cook Time: 0 min.
Difficulty: 1
Cost: $20 and under
Serves: 4
Prep Time: 10-15 min.
Cook Time: 0 min.
Difficulty: 1
Nicci and Tony brought over a cucumber salad that I really enjoyed. As a matter of fact I enjoyed it to much I decided to make it the next day! I went a head and used my favorite cucumber and salad tomatoes. Then I made a tasty zangy dressing to personalize it a bit. I hope you enjoy!
2 1/3 cups English cucumber (peel in stripes, sliced)
1/2 cup sugar plumb tomatoes (halved)
2 tbsp Gorgonzola (crumbled)
2 tsp extra virgin olive oil
2 1/2 tsp cider vinegar
1 tbsp 1/2 tsp whole grain Dijon mustard
1 tbsp fresh chives (chopped)
1/4 tsp kosher salt
1/2 tsp fresh crack pepper
Whisk ingredients together in a small dish and sit to side until ready to use.
Toss salad ingredients with dressing and serve immediately.